Friday, April 2, 2010

Vince kills off the Mr. McMahon Character?

So according to reports, Vince has finally decided to kill off the Mr. McMahon character. He said the character has ran it's course and it's time to end it. Obviously, this choice was well time seeing as how that character came to after the Montreal Screwjob and it ends after Bret Hart gets his revenge. Personally, I enjoyed the Mr. McMahon character. It was always a good laugh and I think that's how the wrestling world will forever see him. The maniacal boss, out to better himself and could care less about his employees. I guess to a point, it was a good thing he ended it now before the image was completely killed. However, it will be alot different without the insane Mr. McMahon running around, wrestling a mediocre match, but giving everyone watching an enjoyable moment.

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