Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rob Van Dam; TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Mr. Monday Night, The Whole Damn Show and now, The TNA World Heavyweight Champion; Rob Van Dam. I'm not a religious viewer of the TNA product simply because I've always stuck to WWE. Back when WCW and then WWF were going head to head on Monday Nights, I still stuck to the WWF. However, I did check out Impact this week. At the beginning of the show, Hogan announced that Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam would face one another to determine who would face AJ Styles later in the night with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Being a fan of both Hardy and Van Dam it didn't matter to me who won. I would've settled for Hardy vs Styles or Van Dam vs Styles. It turns out Rob got the chance and took full advantage of it in the process. On TNA behalf, the star power is there to compete with the WWE in the ratings war, which WWE has dominated thus far. Many people know who Rob Van Dam is and all it takes is for a someone to call a friend and let them know Van Dam won the title and that could be enough for them to tune in. I know I'll pay closer attention to TNA now because Rob Van Dam is their World Champion. My initial reaction was excitement because RVD has always been one of my top favorite wrestlers. I've supported him for many years and will continue to do so until the day he retires. For TNA, this is a good thing because of the star power this man has. A former ECW and WWE Champion. And without a doubt, a future WWE Hall Of Famer. As long as he's used properly throughout this title run and doesn't drop it and look weak in the process, I believe this will do nothing but help TNA. Hopefully good comes from this because I'd love to see things heat up between WWE and TNA. But from the looks of it, it will be a long time before that happens. Giving RVD the title was the best thing TNA could have done up to this point since the ratings war started. Hope for the best and let's see RVD tear the roof down week after week with that title belt around his waist. Maybe we'll see another classic Hardy/RVD match in the future with the title on the line.

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