Monday, April 12, 2010

Jack Swagger, World Heavyweight Champion

How do you people feel about Swagger cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase and becoming the new World Champ? Me personally, I think the gun was jumped with him. However, theres so much potential in him. So in this case, it's either hit or miss. The guy has so much talent and has the look of a World Champ. He knows how to get the crowd to hate him, which in his case is a good thing. But on the other hand, I personally think they could have waited and gotten him over more. Maybe had him compete for the Title on a few occasions, to test him. Like I said, talent wise, the kids got it. So for something like this, it has it's ups and downs. Perhaps it's a test to see who from the younger generation can carry the workload on his back and help keep the company where it's at when guys like Undertaker and Triple H aren't there anymore. Anyway, whether the gun was jumped or not, this could be the beginning to something great. I guess we'll have to wait and find out how it goes.

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