Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mickie James Released announced today the release of Shelton Benjamin, Katie Lea, Jimmy Wang Yang, Slam Master J, Funaki and Mickie James. I was shocked to see Shelton released, but Mickie above all. Shelton had a dull gimmick and had zero mic skills, but made up for it with his excellent in ring abilities. However, Mickie being released was the biggest shocker in my opinion. I thought she had a good program going with Michelle, Layla and Vickie. Mickie was a great in ring performer and had good mic skills. She held both the Diva's and the Womens Championships throughout her career. From what I've both read and heard, Mickie had a poor attitude backstage and was late for the buses on this past European Tour, which lead to her release. Personally, I don't agree with it and hope to god she surfaces back in the WWE sooner, rather than later.

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