The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be. For years now, I've been trying to get my hands on this. People have told me it's the tell all tale documentary of Bret Hart and the events leading up to the Montreal Screwjob. Finally, after watching it, I soon realized that it exceeded the hype. My expectations were just gonna be basic details about Bret and The Montreal Screwjob. Little did I know it was gonna go into depth in such a strong manner and show the entire world what really happened. Now, I've read up on it in the past and it said what it had to offer. But it turned into I have to see it to believe it. After watching it, I do truly believe that Vince screwed Bret. Some people will argue that and their obligated to their opinion, however I say Vince screwed Bret. Without spoiling the entire documentary for those who haven't seen it, it discusses that Bret was always loyal to the WWF and Vince McMahon. Bret was indeed offered a 20 year contract with the WWF, or a 3 year contract with WCW that would give him 9 million dollars. Being loyal and what not, Bret decided to stick to the WWF. Little did he know, Vince would soon call him up and back out of it, telling Bret they couldn't afford it or afford him. That's where things got hasty and Bret had no choice but to call Eric Bischoff. Everyone knows how Bret didn't want to drop the belt in Montreal, but was more than willing to come out the next night on Raw and surrender it or gladly lose it. No problem, right? No. Vince didn't trust him, thinking he'd walk out of the company still Champ and show up on WCW Nitro with the belt. So rather than work things out like a business man, decides to take matters into his own hands. You can say that Bret wasn't being a professional, but he seems like one of the most honest and loyal guys this world has to offer. I truly believe he would've showed up on Raw the next night and dropped the belt. But they didn't see it that way and that's when the plot for the Montreal Screwjob was discussed and before you know it, Shawn Michaels locks The Sharpshooter in on Bret Hart and that signifies the end of The Hitman's run in the WWF.
How would I rate this movie? Like I said, it exceeded expectations. If it were it to me, every wrestling fan should own a copy so they too can see what actually went down and can form their opinion about who screwed who on that. This dvd is highly recommended and for wrestling fans around the world, it's a must see. If you don't believe me, go out and get the dvd yourself. For certain you will be in for a treat.
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